Spirit Shop!

We’re happy to share that our Spirit Shop is officially live!   LINK TO ARLINGTON DAWGS SPIRIT SHOP We’ve partnered with BSN – used by Hersey for their spirit wear – to create exclusive apparel options for players and their...

Save the Date JUNE 4th!

For all interested and registered families. Come and meet the staff and the Dawgs community. Hot DAWGS, BYOB, Bags, 50/50 raffle. Mock signing table. Specific time and place TBD.

Townhall 2/16 @ 8:30pm via Zoom

Joining the Zoom Meeting: Join via computer (click on link): https://fmr.zoom.us/j/96315683541?pwd=ZVZTYjd0YlRucEdkNHdiYzJPaHJndz09 Password: 171933 One tap mobile: +13017158592,,96315683541#,,,,,,0#,,171933# Meeting ID: 963 1568 3541 Password:...

Reminders about timelines ’23

Registration has been extended Make up evaluation date is 2/26 @TNT (Evaluations are not a tryout, we want everyone to have the opportunity to play football.  The evaluations are for the benefit of the team, players and coaches) Equipment Fitting is...